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Download For PC (Full Client Only)

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Mediafire OneDrive Google Drive Mega Updated - March 29, 2023 (V4)

System Requirement (You must have administrative rights on the pc)

Mininum Recommended
OS Windows XP Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows7 32bit/64bit, Windows8 32bit/64bit, Windows8 32bit/64bit, Windows 10
CPU Intel Celeron 2.4Ghz / AMD Athlon 3000+ Intel Pentium4 3.0Ghz / AMD Athlon64 3700+
Memory 512MB 1GB and above
Graphics NVIDIA / ATI VRAM64MB or higher. NVIDIA / ATI VRAM128MB or higher.
Network ADSL 256Kbps ADSL 1Mbps up
Direct X DirectX 8.0 or higher DirectX 9.0 or higher (recommended 9.0c).